First Time Staying in a Cabin

What a fantastic weekend!!  I should start by saying that it isn’t really the first time we have stayed in a cabin.  Lee and I did a weekend back in 1993 but it was more of a resort cabin and I lived in a cabin in the woods for a month once while we were relocating, but this was definitely the first time we have stayed in one of those small campground cabins.    We had a really tough week..seeing our daughter Kay off to Air Force basic training was a very emotional experience,  plus  there was absolutely no movement on our house , and both of our jobs were insane last week.  So we both desperately needed a break and we set off early Monday morning to go to the Mountain Vista Campground in the Poconos to meet our friends.  Because our camper was professionally placed into the site we are in, we knew it would cost too much to take it so we decided to rent a cabin.  The cost was pretty outrageous ($138 a night), but I was grateful to our organizer Kelly for finding a campground that had an open cabin.  Since check in time for the cabin wasn’t until 3pm we had lots of time, but both of us really wanted to start the long weekend,  so we took off early.  Lee asked if there was anything I wanted to do along the way, and  I broke out the Roadside America app for the first time this summer  to see if there was anything cool along the way.  The app styles itself as Your Online Guide to Offbeat Tourist Attractions and it definitely does not disappoint.  I love goofy stuff and was tickled to see that Giant Hot Dog man was along our route and really not that far from our current campground.  The directions were a little vague but we found it and it made me smile.    If I could wander around the country with Lee looking at goofy stuff like this I would be perfectly content 🙂

Giant Hot Dog man

Giant Hot Dog man










We also stopped along the way and saw an ATM machine that is designed as a giant tree.  Funny thing, I have stopped near this at least 20 times in the last 5 years and never knew it was there.  Love this app

ATM that looks like a tree

ATM that looks like a tree


Tree ATM


So between the side trips, restroom breaks, and construction on 84 it took us awhile, but we got to the campground at 3:10pm ..just in time for check in.  I was so excited about seeing everyone.  For the last several months Kelly, Jo, and Cori have been an amazing support system.  We all have new rigs, are all selling our houses, and all are dealing with major life changes at the same time.  They have been so supportive…taking texts or phone calls at all hours of the day and night and the support and encouragement has been unwavering.  I have not had this many good women friends in a really long time and never this many friends in a non-work environment since college. The gift of these relationships  at this stage of my life is really a blessing and one of the best things our camping adventures have  brought it to me.

After the check-in we went to the cabin which was right around the corner from the camp store.  Mountain Vista has a nice camp store and although my experience with them over the phone wasn’t so great,  in person they were much nicer.  We weren’t planning on spending much time in the cabin as Jo and Ben, Kelly and Bill, and Cori and Greg were all on the other side of the campground but right across from each other, but we did want to take a moment to drop our stuff off.   The cabin was a bit of a shock…no a big shock.  It looked nice in the pictures and was a “large” cabin but when we went in it was one room and pretty small.  The floors were clean but all the mattresses had a thick plastic on them and it looked like a bargain hotel room.  I’m not a snob or anything, but for that price the small kitchen area should have been cleaner and they provided absolutely nothing.  We had to bring plates, pots and pans, lined, towels.  The only thing it had in it was a coffee machine (no filters or coffee) and 2 ratty old blankets.  Cori had offered us the couches in her rig and I was seriously thinking about packing back up and taking her up on it.  I won’t say anything more about the cabin because the only thing we did was sleep in it, but the bathroom was the best part of it.  The shower was very clean and had plenty of hot water and the toilet was relatively new.  Let’s just say though I really really missed my camper and we won’t be staying in any cabins anytime soon.


Cabin looks waaay nicer on the outside than the inside

Cabin looks waaay nicer on the outside than the inside









We walked down to see everyone and the rest of the campground was pretty nice.  It was full, but the sites were on a mountain so they were tiered and all had some greenery for separation between the sites.  When we hit the campground we saw Kelly and Bill and Jo and Ben and tons of hugs were given…well the girls hugged…the guys shook hands.  I hadn’t seen Kelly for months but with phone calls, Facebook, and texting it didn’t feel that long but it was so great to see her in person.  She completely opened her rig to us which was VERY nice…insisting we felt free to use the bathroom and refrigerator and in no time at all I did just that.  Kelly is the kind of person who means it when she says make yourself at home and her home on wheels is awesome.   Kelly and Bill are in the final stages of selling their house and just moved into their rig full-time.  Considering everything that’s been on her plate, she was amazingly organized.

Kelly and Bill's Landmark

Kelly and Bill’s Landmark








We were all talking and catching up when Cori and Greg arrived.  They have a super nice Class A and were parked right next to Kelly and Bill.  I haven’t seen Cori either since the rally and there were more hugs and everyone shared their excitement over finally being together.  Jo, Ben, Lee and I had spent some time together and Cori, Greg, Kelly, and Bill had gotten together but we all had not been in the same place since April.  It’s no small thing to coordinate everyone’s schedules, especially because everyone has jobs, but Kelly did an awesome job of pulling us all together.   Greg setup the Class A (which compared to a fifth wheel takes no time) and we all hung out well into the night.  Greg cooked some amazing crab cakes and corn and Cori brought a beautiful cheesecake for everyone.   Plus Jo bought me a bottle of my favorite wine for my birthday so everyone was having a really good time.  Everyone but us has dogs and although there was some initial fuss the puppies soon settled down and got along just fine.  We had Peyton and Annubis  (Jo and Ben’s Malamute and Shepard mix), Hobi (Cori and Greg’s bichon/cavalier mix) and Poco (Bill and Kelly’s =Autralian Shephard mix).  Aunt Tracy brought her dog treats with her and Lee and I spoiled the dogs shamelessly the entire weekend.

Greg cooking the crab cakes

Greg cooking the crab cakes

Cori and Greg's rig...instead of tiki torches they have some cool tiki pots that work great

Cori and Greg’s rig…instead of tiki torches they have some cool tiki pots that work great


Hobi hanging out in his doggie bed

Hobi hanging out in his doggie bed

Everyone chilling by the fire

Everyone chilling by the fire


Sleeping in the cabin that night wasn’t that bad.  Kelly had loaned us a blanket to put between the plastic cover and our sheets and the alcohol helped 🙂  We did wake up pretty early though and the total lack of coffee was a problem.  We are early risers, but knew others weren’t so we popped out into East Stroudsburg and got some Dunkin Donuts.   I have to say the town was pretty depressing.  There are lots of activities available such as zip lining and sky diving plus a huge park with hiking trails and waterfalls but the economy of the area was obviously depressed.  We picked up our coffee and I bought some bagels and donuts and we headed to the campsites.  Only Jo and Ben were up and moving and it was still pretty chilly so I laid the donuts out and ran up to the camp store for some wood. Bill had brought some wood in his truck, but I wanted to contribute something so I got some extra and we had the campfire going by the time everyone was up and moving around.  Eventually Greg and Cori fixed eggs and sausage for breakfast.  They have this cool small Weber grill that fits on the picnic table but it holds quite a bit and the eggs and sausage were yummy.  After breakfast Lee, Jo, and I left and made a liquor store/grocery store run and got some deli meat and veggies for lunch.  PA has weird liquor and spirits are sold in a state-run store and beer is only sold in Beer stores or in bars.  We got back in time for lunch and laid everything out and right after we finished eating Eileen and Gene came.  Eileen and Gene just retired and starting full-timing in their RV not that long after the RV-Dreams rally.  They have been on the road for two months and have gone on quite the tour visiting their 5 kids and traveling from Denver to Boston.  We were all really curious about how things were going with them and loved talking about the realities of being full-time on the road.  Plus they are really nice and funny people and their dog Max (another bichon-cavalier mix) was a total cutie pie.  so there was a lot of talking and eating and drinking and talking.  What a great day.

Eileen and Gene

Eileen, Gene, and Max




From the left Ben, Bill, Kelly, Jo, Cori

From the left Ben, Bill, Kelly, Jo, Greg, and Cori




From left Greg From Right Jo, Kelly, Bill, and Ben



Lee, Jo, Cori, and Greg










The girls really went out of their way to make me feel special for my birthday.   They kept walking up and giving me hugs and wishing me happy birthday.  Jo bought me another bottle of my favorite wine( which isn’t cheap) and they kept me fed and happy throughout the day.  I kept hoping Kay might be able to call but apparently the drill sergeants don’t let the recruits call their mommies on their birthdays.   I think I would have been really sad if my other daughters hadn’t called and my friends hadn’t made such a fuss.  Kelly made seafood enchiladas which I LOVE and they were fantastic.  She’s sending the recipe soon and I’ll list it in my recipes when it comes.   Cori had called Lee and found out what my favorite cake was and got me a yellow cake with chocolate icing and my name on it.  They all sang happy birthday and I was really really touched.  Everyone likes a bit of a fuss on their birthday but Cori, Kelly, and Jo amped it up to 10 and it really meant a lot to me.


My very cool birthday cake Cori got me.




Me eating my birthday cake



The weather was beautiful all weekend.  It only rained Saturday night after we went to bed and it cleared up for breakfast on Sunday.  Bill made some outstanding pancakes…I’m not kidding these taste like the kind you get in a really good restaurant.   We also had  pork rolls, bacon, sausage links and sausage patties.  Lee who is a big fan of the breakfast was in heaven.  We were all sad to leave but hope to see each other over the winter in Florida and I know even if we can’t see each other all the time we will remain really strong friends.  I have run out of adjectives to use so I’ll just say  I love, love, love my girls… and their guys aren’t  so bad either 🙂

The gang

Front row:  Ben, Bill, and Jo                      Back Row: Kelly, Eileen, Gene, Lee, me, Cori, and Greg











Kelly’s Shrimp and Crab  Enchiladas


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cups raw shrimp, medium size cut in half (Kelly used 31 – 40 count)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 16 ounces imitation crab meat, chopped (Kelly used equal portion of claw meat)
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley


  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 3 1/2 cups milk (low-fat or skim works great – save the calories)
  • 1 cup sour cream (light (not no-fat) works great)

  • 2 cups Mexican style shredded cheese (divided)
  • 8 medium size flour tortilla
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

  2. Drizzle the olive oil into the pan and add shrimp and garlic.

  3. Saute for 2 minutes then add crab and parsley.

  4. Season with salt and pepper.

  5. Saute for 3 more minutes and remove from heat.

  6. Set aside and stir in 1/2 cup of the cheese.

  7. In a medium size saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.

  8. Once butter is melted, add the flour.

  9. Cook for one minute stirring constantly until mixture is combined.

  10. Add the milk and sour cream.

  11. Whisk the mixture together and heat for 2-3 minutes until it starts to


  12. Add 1 cup of the sauce to the shrimp and crab mixture and stir.
  13. Add 1/2 cup sauce to the bottom of a 9×13 baking dish and spread tocover the bottom. (9 x 13 pan won’t fit in RV ovens, Kelly used an 8 x 11(can fit 5 tortillas and 8 x 8 (the other 3 tortillas) – worked out great)
  14. Place shrimp and crab mixture across each tortilla and roll up.  (try to portion it out somehow before you start filling – so the filling is evenly distributed)
  15. Place seam side down in the baking dish and repeat until finished.
  16. Pour remaining sauce over the top of the enchiladas, spread to cover if needed, then sprinkle the remaining 1 cup cheese over the top.
  17. Sprinkled with a little paprika for color
  18. Bake for 15-20 minutes until sauce is bubbly and cheese is melted.
  19. Serve with green onions sprinkled on top


  1. Kelly's Shrimp and Crab Enchiladas


 Campground Review

Mountain Vista Campground 415 Taylor Drive East Stroudsburg, PA 18301   2 out of 5 pine cones – 2014

The campground has good WiFi throughout with sites on the larger side that are staggered on a hill to give additional separation.   The camp store was moderately well stocked and the people who ran it were friendly in person.  They were not however friendly on the phone and the campground only takes cash or checks and doesn’t even have a Pay Pal site.   We stayed in a cabin which was very expensive and although clean had no amenities ($138 per night).  Basically the campsite was overpriced and I didn’t see much that would justify the expense or inconvenience of booking it.  It is packed though with seasonal’s and there are things to do in the area such as sky dive, zip line, and numerous hiking trails and waterfalls.   The nearby towns however are very depressed and don’t have the ambiance that I like when traveling to an area.  Essentially, it would be ok for a couple of nights in a pinch, but I would not choose to travel here for a long weekend.


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First Time Having Rally Friends at the Campsite

What a fantastic weekend!!!  Our friends Jo and Ben who we met in the rally came to visit us and we had an amazing time.  Jo and Ben are both nurses and Jo is also a psychologist (which comes in handy as I am dealing with empty nest syndrome and house selling stress lol).  They decided they wanted to try travel nursing so they sold their house in the mountains near Colorado (in three days grrr) and started working on the road out of their Arctic Fox.  They are very experienced campers but new to the Full Time RV lifestyle and picked the coast of Maine as their first assignment.  Ben is a trauma nurse so it’s easier for him to find contracts, but it was a bit tougher for Jo as she is not licensed as a psychologist in Maine and had not practiced nursing in a year or so.  Plus people think postcard New England ,and it is beautiful, but culturally and environmentally it’s quite a bit different from the wide spaces of the west they are used to.

Luckily we can relate.  Even though we have lived here for 14 years, it’s still very different from the Midwest environment we are used to.  The main thing about New England if you have to think in terms of the 5 states (New Hampshire, Mass, Vermont, Maine, and Rhode Island).  There are lots of cool stuff to do, but you need to cover all the states to see everything.  They’ve been staying pretty close to home in Maine, but we gave them some of our favorites including Newport, RI, Mount Washington, and Stowe Vermont.  Those are places we have gone back to over and over and still enjoy.  They did get to see Moosehead Lake and saw a family of moose, which I am incredibly jealous of, and had a wonderful camping experience new Acadia National park.  Not only do they have their 5th wheel but they also have a second truck with a pop-up camper on the back.  They take the little truck (with their two dogs) everywhere and it allows them to boon dock and reach areas they could never get to with the big trailer…brilliant!!

Jo and Anubis the sweetest 12 year old rescue dog

Jo and Anubis the sweetest 12-year-old rescue dog


Ben and Peyton a beautiful Malamute rescue who is high spirited but very friendly

Ben and Peyton a beautiful Malamute rescue who is high-spirited but very friendly


We spent Saturday talking to Jo and Ben from 9am to 10 pm and never ran out of things to talk about.  We are fascinated by their new lifestyle and what it takes to work on the road.  It’s a weird dynamic because despite what it looks like  you are not on vacation.  You take your real life issues with you, but you have a freedom and flexibility that few who live in a sticks and bricks house will ever know.  Most of the couples we met at the rally are either retired or have sufficient investments that working is somewhat optional.  Jo and Ben are still carrying some student debt so working is a requirement for them.  It was great talking to them though because despite the challenges they are making it work and I find them extremely inspirational as a couple.  Plus they are both really interesting people and very fun to hang out with.

Jo brought haddock with her straight from a dockside stand close to Kennebunkport where they are staying.    I went to the local farm around the corner from our house and bought all the fresh vegetables they had so we had a fantastic meal.  I made this yummy salad with fresh lettuce (amazing), radishes, and green onions straight from the ground.

Farm fresh salad with Olive Garden dressing

Farm fresh salad with Olive Garden dressing










I have been wanting to learn how to cook fish on the grill..and Ben is a super fisherman…so Jo marinated it and Ben set to showing me how to cook it.  One problem, the Coleman grill we have only used twice would not stay lit…so Ben and Lee troubleshoot it while Jo and I laughed a lot.  The wine made things quite merry 🙂  Here’s some pictures showing the troubleshooting and how it stopped working in mid-grilling and we had to move the fish to the fire and then back again to the grill once they got it going again.  Despite the cooking crazy the fish was amazing!!!

Ben cooking the fish

Ben cooking the fish

Grill stops working

Grill stops working



Ben’s trying to fix it










Jo always cool steps in to save the fish

Jo always cool steps in to save the fish

Jo and Ben transferring fish back to grill...thank heavens they are nurses see the surgical precision of the transfer It's like it was a transplant heart

Jo and Ben transferring fish back to grill…thank heavens they are nurses…. see the surgical precision of the transfer It’s like it was a transplant heart  🙂


Right after dinner we got a call from Kelly and Bill and Cori and Greg.  They were two other couples we had met at the rally and coincidentally were getting together Saturday night.  I know I’ve said it before but the quality of the friendships we made from the rally are beyond anything I have ever experienced in a group setting.  We all love the same things. We will be driving up to visit them in Maine in a few weeks and four couples will be meeting in Pennsylvania in August.  Also many of us have signed up for the RV-Dreams reunion rally in May.  Love, love, love these friends!!

Lessons Learned

  • You can use tortilla chips or Doritos as fire starters. Seriously we tried it and they burn great and for a while.  Potato chips on the other hand not so much
  • Check out for an accountant Jo and Ben recommends who specializes in providing tax assistance to people who travel and work.


Barb’s Cucumber Salad

This is super simple and one of Lee’s all time favorites.  or best taste use farmer’s market cucumbers. 

  • 2 medium-sized cucumbers
  • 1 small white onion or half of a medium-sized
  • 1 cup mayonnaise you can substitute lite mayo or Miracle Whip but I like to use the real stuff
  • 1/3 cup of cider vinegar
  • Pepper
  1. Cut off ends of cucumbers and then use knife to cut a portion of the peel on the outside…2-3 long slices not required just makes it look a little prettier
  2. Cut thin slices of cucumber
  3. Cut onion into small squares about 1″ or long slivers
  4. Mix onions and cucumbers in a plastic bowl with a lid
  5. Add Mayonnaise
  6. Add cider vinegar
  7. Sprinkle with pepper
  8. Place lid on bowl and shake
  9. Open and sprinkler more pepper
  10. Shake again.  Continue until you can see some pepper flakes in the sauce.
Barb's Cucumber Salad

Barb’s Cucumber Salad









Ben’s Grilled Haddock

  • 2 pounds haddock as fresh as you can find (you can also use halibut or tilapia)
  • 8 TBL Olive Oil
  • 2 TBL Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp Basil you can double to taste
  • 1 tsp Parsley you can double to taste
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • Foil
  1. Mix all ingredients (except for fish and foil); blend well
  2. Place marinade in large Ziploc Freezer bag
  3. Place fish in bag
  4. Shake gently to cover fish with marinade
  5. Marinade 30 minutes
  6. Place fish on foil sheet and the cover with another piece of foil sealing the edges tightly to make a packet
  7. Place fish on pre heated grill over medium heat and shut lid
  8. Cook for 5 minutes, turn packet, and cook for another 5 minutes
  9. Remove from grill and serve.


Fish before we wrapped it in foil

Fish before we wrapped it in foil

Fish after being cooked

Fish after being cooked










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