Finish of the Rally and Taking a Day off


I forgot to mention that every morning Lee has been feeding a pair of local ducks.  We got some cracked corn and they come up to him every morning and quack at him until he gives them their daily treat.  Who knew Lee was the wild animal whisperer lol  Here’s a great picture of my hubby and his ducks.


I like how his pre-showered hair looks a bit like a ducktail 🙂


Here’s Lee’s ducks…he had them coming right up to his feet.


The last full day of the rally had an open house section where you could volunteer to show your rig.  We had a great time both showing ours and seeing others and I got tons of neat space-saving ideas especially from Linda who has been doing this for 9 years and had a carpenter friend come in and build some custom drawers.  My honey do list got bigger and bigger 🙂   It was also very gratifying to show other folks our open range.  People really liked the floor plan especially where Lee had built me a desk and it was great to hear folks  say what they liked.  At first we kept thinking folks were just being polite, but when they were specific it was nice.  Validated that we had chosen well!! Here’s some of the pictures I took (with permission) from other rigs and some cool ideas I want Lee to try to implement.

wooden box inserts

wooden box inserts

Linda has these cool wooden box inserts that slide out sideways...ingenious

Linda has these cool wooden box inserts that slide out sideways…ingenious


This is a simple ting but I really liked it a handle on the inside of the door so when you are walking out you can steady yourself. I am a klutz so this is a must have for me

This is a simple ting but I really liked it a handle on the inside of the door so when you are walking out you can steady yourself. I am a klutz so this is a must have for me



To replace the couch we need to expand the pedestal. I saw this in a motor home and loved the way the wooden extended looked!!






This is a simple solution that was great. Latch work mesh mounted on the inside of the cabinet doors and paper clips used to hold jewelry. Brilliant!!!


Spice Rack loved this because they were all so easy to see

Spice Rack loved this because they were all so easy to see






Pull out drawers were very common (you can order them online) and make use of the entire space






Customer Wine Rack built next to the microwave

Custom slider plate shelves…what I loved was they fit plates and bowls and Lind is short like I am and they are within easy reach


After the open house I took a nap 🙂  That was a lot of walking and I had to get ready for the big closing party.  Linda had a Derby theme since Howard and Linda the rally organizers are from Louisville and everyone was supposed to bring a derby hat.  I went to the thrift store and bought a sun hat and dressed it up with feathers and I took Lee’s fedora and put a beautiful feather in it.  Lee said he had his “pimp hat” on lol.  The hats were really beautiful and we watched the race.  Then everyone danced and had a great time.  Breakfast the next morning we said our farewells to many folks leaving and took a great group picture of the “newbie” class if 2014.    Tonight we are going to one more informal bonfire and then we hit the road back home.  What a jam-packed week and I am kind of excited to get back on the road to get a little rest lol.  Can I say we were one of the youngest couples at the rally and the energy level of most of these folks put us to shame 🙂  Whew I need another nap!!

Here is the newbie class of 2014...all the people we have been hanging out with all week !!

Here is the newbie class of 2014…all the people we have been hanging out with all week !!

Pam is a corker...she's beautiful and has the most amazing positive energy...I want to be her when I grow up :)

Sue is a corker…she’s beautiful and has the most amazing positive energy…I want to be her when I grow up 🙂

Jo and Craig the nicest couple with a wicked sense of humor. Craig put two bunny ear feathers in his bal; cap

Jo and Craig the nicest couple with a wicked sense of humor. Craig put two bunny ear feathers in his ballcap



The self described "Hippy" drebyers :)

The self-described “Hippy” derbyers 🙂

Bill and Nancy have been married for 44 years. They walk (at a fast clip) every day except for Sunday. They are amazing and I hope we are like them after 44 years

Bill and Nancy have been married for 44 years. They walk (at a fast clip) every day except for Sunday. They are amazing and I hope we are like them after 44 years

Jo and Ben...Jo took sewer hose and toiletry products and got most creative...LOVE it and love them

Jo and Ben…Jo took sewer hose and toiletry products and got most creative…LOVE it and love them

Greg and cory...Greg put one feather in his hat..he's a minimalist...cracked me up every time I looked at it

Greg and cory…Greg put one feather in his hat..he’s a minimalist…cracked me up every time I looked at it

Eileen who took runner up in the prettiest hat contest...she's a great lady and a bit naughtier than she appears :)

Eileen who took runner-up in the prettiest hat contest…she’s a great lady and a bit naughtier than she appears 🙂

This was runner up in most creative it has a tremendous amount of detail all around really cute

This was runner-up in most creative it has a tremendous amount of detail all around really cute

Howard and Linda dancing to Rocky Mountain High by John Denver

Howard and Linda dancing to Rocky Mountain High by John Denver

This was Jesse retired Naval submarine engineer in his feathered hat, kilt, and cowboy hats. It says something that he only got second place :)

This was Jesse retired Naval submarine engineer in his feathered hat, kilt, and cowboy hats. It says something that he only got second place 🙂

Jeff in his "poop" hat...the suppositories hanging off the side were a scream..He appropriately won best use of recycled material

Jeff in his “poop” hat…the suppositories hanging off the side were a scream..He appropriately won best use of recycled material

Ellen and Mario...they have a smaller toy hauler but she is angling for a bigger rig !!

Ellen and Mario…they have a smaller toy hauler but she is angling for a bigger rig !!

Gin and Syl who are absolutely hysterical

Gin and Syl who are absolutely hysterical

Pam and Red in their cowboy hates. We love love love them!!!

Pam and Red in their cowboy hates. We love love love them!!!

Linda made this hat with a horse on top. She is a widow and their dream was to FT RV so she has decided to do it alone. Amazing lady!!!

Linda made this hat with a horse on top. She is a widow and their dream was to FT RV so she has decided to do it alone. Amazing lady!!!


I borrowed this hat from Sue for a minute LOVED it...she won fanciest

I borrowed this hat from Sue for a minute LOVED it…she won fanciest

Back of Sues Hat

Back of Sues Hat






































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6 thoughts on “Finish of the Rally and Taking a Day off

  1. Boy you’re fast with the pics Trace! What a blast the rally was. We also loved meeting you and Lee and everyone else! How exciting it will be for all of us to meet up along the road now and then with our new rigs!

  2. Wasn’t the rally great! It was so nice meeting you two. There is so much positive energy flowing around here. Enjoy your new home on wheels. Hopefully we will cross paths in our travels.
    You have a very nice blog btw.

    • Thanks so much I really appreciate that you like the blog and I totally agree about the positive energy it was wonderful to meet so many great folks. You and Gin are awesome and I would absolutely love to hang out some more. Thanks so much for teaching me about Poo-Pouuri…could be a marriage saver lol

  3. Hey Girl! Was such great fun meeting you both. What a fantastic week! Thanks so much for the party at your new home, which is beautiful. I’m glad Howard posted all the blogs so I could find you. Someday when you are close to Alabama let us know and we will meet up with you. Loved all the pictures, great memories!

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